The Ldap Extension Of Your Php Parser Isn T Installed

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The Ldap Extension Of Your Php Parser Isn T Installed

I've been working with a WAMP install for quite a while now with LDAP enabled and everything is going smoothly. Chp Driver Proficiency Form there. Now though I have to set up another machine and for some reason I can't enable LDAP. I checked the output of phpinfo() and the LDAP section isn't there.

LDAP support in PHP is not enabled by default. The easiest way to install ldap extension on Ubuntu 12.04 is: sudo apt-get install php5-ldap. Uncomment extension = php_ldap.dll in php.ini IMPORTANT: Make sure that you're editing the right php.ini by checking the output of phpinfo() Check the php.ini file for the location of your extensions directory.

I edited php.ini to uncomment the line: extension = php_ldap.dll I also checked the filepath being searched for extensions and the file php_ldap.dll is in the right place. I'm positive I'm editing the right php.ini file since I checked the filepath being shown by phpinfo(), and also I am able to successfully enable/disable other extensions. I have rebooted Apache after every change made. While Googling this, the only solutions I found were those above, plus one or two mentions of editing the Windows PATH variable to include the path to php.ini? Tried it even though it didn't make sense to me (as I already know php.ini is being parsed).

I also checked my previous install on the other machine and from what I can see I never added any PHP directories to the PATH on that machine Edit with complete answer Frank's answer below led me to the solution so I thought I'd consolidate everything now. Healthpointe 2 0 Program Ma there. To Enable LDAP Support on a WAMP server: • Uncomment extension = php_ldap.dll in php.ini • IMPORTANT: Make sure that you're editing the right php.ini by checking the output of phpinfo() • Check the php.ini file for the location of your extensions directory • Check that php_ldap.dll is located in that directory • ( THE STEP I MISSED) Find the files libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll and add their directory to the Windows PATH • Reboot Apache. If LDAP is enabled there will be a section about it in the output of phpinfo().

@FrankFarmer it's working now! Those two files were sitting in the same directory that php.ini was in but obviously weren't being found. I added that directory to the windows PATH and LDAP became enabled!

I checked the first machine again (the one that was working) after that for those files, they were in PHP's default extension folder. So maybe copying them in there is all that's needed, rather than using the PATH variable. I didn't think to check at the time, but tomorrow morning I'll move those files and reboot. Then I'll post back here again just to have everything covered. – Jan 12 '12 at 20:20 •. I followed these instructions but still couldn't get LDAP loading in my phpinfo(). Hp 825c Drivers For Windows 7. The Apache logs showed on startup the following non-fatal message: ######/php5.4. Metro A Responsive Theme For Phpbb 3 Themes Of The Declaration. 16/ext/php_ldap.dll - The specified module could not be found.