Installing Php Windows

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Configure Php Windows Server 2012

The Windows Installer version can get a complete PHP environment up and running, but the installation of extensions can be confusing. By default, no extensions are installed, and this can adversely affect the usefulness of the PHP installation. This video demonstrates the PHP 7.1 version. While multiple versions for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows exist, including non-thread and thread-safe options, learn more about the 64-bit version. Autocad Printer Name Is Invalid.

There has been numerous post on the where people have difficulty installing PHP on Windows. There are many reasons for this. However the main issue is that people try to do the installation manually and any manual step is prone to error.

It is not a bad idea to do the installation manually but I would suggest to leave that to an advanced user who knows PHP well and has successfully configured it many times. For novice user or people who are just starting using PHP, I am going to talk about an easy way to install PHP on Windows and IIS.

This article applies to user running IIS from Windows XP to Windows 7. Canon Pixma Mp620 Printer Error B200. Let me introduce you to. Let's call this WPI in short. WPI is a single stop shop for all the major component installations for IIS. Once you have WPI installed, go to 'Web Platform Section' and click on 'Frameworks and Runtimes'. Click on 'customize'.

You can see PHP listed as one of the 'Runtimes'. Select it and say install. And you are done. Download Free Watchtower Bound Volumes Pdf Printer. Yes, that's it.

But trust me it is as simple as this. Hp Omnibook 6100 User Manual. Now let's go in detail and see what happens when you say 'Install'. WPI does the following things for you: • Figure out all the dependent component if any is required.