How to install php 5.5 with Apache 2.4 on windows April 9, 2015 September 6, 2015 Rajendra Choudhary 1 Comment in this post i will explain you how to install php 5.5 with Apache 2.4 on windows. Recently I downloaded php 5.4.3, Apache 2.2 and mysql 5.5.24. Full installation instructions for PHP 5.4 with WAMP are beyond the scope of this answer.

I just want to make you aware that PHP has reached it's EOL (End of Life) and no longer provide security updates or bugfixes which could be critical to your environment. If you need to run PHP 5.x, I'd suggest you looking at 5.6, or follow the migration guide. Have a look at: If you really want to to compile your own version • Make sure you have a compiler and standard libraries available.
Apt install build-essentials • Download each individual tarball for the AMP stack and install their dependencies. Dosch 3d Food Printer. • Blacklist any Apache, PHP packages etc in your dpkg/apt config.
Configuring your web stack manually isn't trivial. I suggest rather installing, which incorporates Apache, MySQL and PHP in an easy installer.
It will correctly configure the file handlers for you as well, so you won't have to worry about manually configuring Apache to serve your PHP files. The latest version of PHP bundled with WAMP is version 5.3.10, which is more than recent enough to handle pretty much anything you can throw at it. PHP 5.4 is barely a couple of months old; unless you require specific PHP 5.4 functionality, there really isn't any reason not to stick with version 5.3.10.
Full installation instructions for PHP 5. Metro A Responsive Theme For Phpbb 3 Themes Of The Declaration. 4 with WAMP are beyond the scope of this answer, so I'll provide instead. Summarised, you install WAMP, then extract PHP 5.4 into the correct PHP directory within WAMP.