OK, I have found the solution to this problem. The info above is correct as far as it goes, but in my case there was (a) no option to clear the print queue on two 'ghost' printers because they were disconnected and unavailable, so no option for the print queue was displayed, and (b) one was shared on the network and had a TCP/IP printer port assigned to it. Here's how I did it, step-by-step: 1. Right-click on desktop, create a new shortcut with target as 'cmd.exe'. Right-click on the shortcut, 'Run as Administrator' 3. Run the printui tool: printui /s /t2 4. Try deleting the printers.
Hp Speakers Drivers. If that doesn't work. CLick Start >Run >Services.msc 6. Locate the Print Spooler service, and right-click >Properties >stop service.
Open My Computer and browse to c: Windows System32 spool Printers (you will need to say 'oK' to get access to the folder). DELETE the contents of that folder. Restart the Print Spooler service.
Dec 30, 2015 remove system specific drivers without full sysprep. I know sysprep can do things like remove drivers with generalize option, but i think that messes up keys, etc too. Is there a way to just remove things like drivers? Popular Topics in Windows. Test your wits and sharpen your skills. Take the Challenge ».

Go back into the printui utillity (might need to restart it using same method as above) and try removing printers again. This time it should work. Hp Android Yang Mendukung Untuk Game Pes2012. Software Fr Hp Officejet 5110. If necessary, check the 'Ports' tab and remove any TCP/IP ports that are associated with the old printer. Download Software Canon Pc 1331 Manual here. Last but not least, I checked other computers on my home network to see if any of those had mapped to the old printer, and I removed those mappings, as the date of spooled documents suggested it was printed to long after it was physically removed.