Consulting Firm: 2nd round job interview. Industry Coverage:.

Printing 101. Our printer, however, only generates the printing. When files (pdf or otherwise) are converted by the printer, poor color quality can.
Case Interview Question #00374: Our client Hewlett Packard Company (HP, NYSE: HPQ) is a large information technology (IT) corporation headquartered in Palo Alto, California, USA. HP provides products, technologies, software, solutions and services to individual consumers, small and medium sized business (SMBs) as well as large enterprises. Don Zauker Esorcista Pdf Printer.
HP is a world leader in computer printers – they manufacture different kind of printers: inkjet printers, laser printers, impact (dot-matrix) printers, solid ink printers, LED/LCD printers, all-in-one multifunction printers, etc. Traditionally HP has had a dominant market share in all categories of printers. However, the Head of HP’s printer division is worried that they might be losing share to competitions. Is this true? If so, how would you come up with a solution to rectify the situation?
Additional Information: (to be provided to candidate if asked) • There are five categories of printers in the market: Category 1 being the slowest and Category 5 being the fastest. • Faster printers are used by corporates and commercial users and slower one by home consumers. • There are three major players in the U.S. Andrew Loog Oldham Stoned Pdf Printer. Printer market. Market share data for client HP and its two competitors (Lexmark, Dell) are as follows: Printer type Lexmark Sales Dell Sales HP Sales Industry average growth HP’s growth Category 1 4MM 5MM 20% -5% Category 2 1MM 2MM 10% 10% Category 3 2MM 4MM 5% 5% Category 4 5MM 4MM 5% 5% Category 5 20MM 50MM 4% 3% • Category 1 printer’s customers are mostly home consumers and they care only about price. • Category 5 (candidate should deduce from the above table) market is mature and does not offer too much room for growth.