Driver Xerox Workcentre 5330 Fault there. Using CapturePerfect 3.1 This section describes how to start CapturePerfect 3.1 and scan documents. The procedure for using the Scan Batch to File function is described here as an example. • From the Windows task bar, click [Start] ->click [All Programs] ->[CapturePerfect 3.1] ->[CapturePerfect 3.1]. In Windows 8, CapturePerfect is saved to the following location.
CapturePerfect 3.1 starts. • From the [Scan] menu, select [Select Scanner]. The [Select Scanner] dialog box opens. • Select [CANON DR-XXXX] and click [Settings]. (XXXX varies depending on the model you are using) If [CANON DR-XXXX] is not displayed in the list of scanners, you must re-install the ISIS/TWAIN driver.

• Select the default page size and click [OK]. Driver Pack Printershare Mobile. If you select [Default] in the ISIS driver properties dialog box, that setting is applied here. • Click [OK] to finish scanner selection. • From the [Scan] menu, select [Scanner Settings]. The Properties dialog box for the ISIS driver opens.