Introduced in 2008, the Canon EOS 5D Mark II digital SLR camera featured a Full HD movie-recording function 1 (EOS Movie) that garnered attention among professionals working in the cinema and video production industries. About Canon Camera Museum. Canon Camera Museum is a virtual museum that was first opened on 30 September 1996. Not only does it provide historical information, such as the history of Canon (History Hall) and descriptions about all cameras and lenses released since it was founded (Camera Hall and Lens Hall), but there are also special wallpaper images and photos capture.
While compact cameras sales continue to slide due to the rise of the smartphone, 'bridge cameras' remain popular. Bridge cameras offer zoom lenses exceeding 50X in a body that resembles a DSLR, and more expensive models usually include electronic viewfinders and manual exposure controls.
While the megapixel race has slowly come to a halt, there’s a different kind of battle going on, and that’s over zoom power. Ten years ago superzooms commonly had 10X and 12X lenses, and in 2015 the average is around 50X. Late last year Canon’s PowerShot SX60 HS hit 65X and in March 2015 Nikon blew away the competition, releasing its Coolpix P900 with an incredible 83X, 24-2000mm equivalent zoom. Shot with the Pentax XG-1. ISO 800, 1/30 sec, F4.5. Shot at an equiv. Of 223mm Photo: Wenmei Hill Having a long zoom lens isn't without problems, though.
Hp Compaq 8510p Vga Drivers. Trying to get a shake-free photo while hand-holding a camera at over 1200mm equiv. Isn’t easy, and sometimes requires boosting the ISO, especially at lower light levels.
This is particularly an issue for the superzooms in this round-up, whose small sensors collect very little light and therefore are generally noisy to begin with (here's ). Another issue with long zooms is atmospheric haze and distortion, caused by light scattering and changes in refractive indexes of air as heat rises from the ground. These noticeably reduce image sharpness, especially on warm days, and the effects can often be visible even when photos are downsized. All of the issues raised are sacrifices one must make in order to shoot extreme telephoto, be it with a built-in or interchangeable lens camera. Finally, on the subject of sacrifices, the small form factor and lower cost of these superzooms come at a hefty cost compared to larger-sensor counterparts: not only do the smaller sensors yield noisier images, but the small pixels put high demands on lens' resolving power.
And since these lenses can't perform miracles, what results are images that won't be nearly as detailed as similar shots taken on larger-sensor ILCs with equivalent focal length lenses. In this comparison we looked at five superzooms: the Canon PowerShot SX60, Fujifilm FinePix S1, Nikon Coolpix P900, (Ricoh) Pentax XG-1, and Samsung WB2200F. We’ll cover each of them in-depth and then show how their image and lens quality compares in controlled tests. I just got back from a month on safari in Africa with this camera. I was very very happy with the quality of the images, and the super zoom capability was very handy and performed well.
In-situ, I compared shots taken of the same safari scenes with guys carrying a lot of long, heavy glass and there was little difference. In fact, Nikon ought to pay me because I probably converted half a dozen to a dozen photographers to the P900 when considering I shot handheld, and they had to steady their telescopes. Fast glass, electronically stabilized zoom - a good combination. On the down side, I wish I could have shot RAW.
This is a serious drawback. What were they thinking? I have it, its a fun little thing, the photos and videos are OK but not great. You're really buying it for its monster zoom, which quite simply can get you shots you won't really get with any other camera. That is the only reason why I tolerate it because no matter how much better the other cameras are for photos and videos, when you show people a video of you zooming into the moon, or a lighthouse several miles away, they are blown away and that is what photography is about, capturing things people want to see. If Nikon release an update with 100x zoom I will update. Until then I will never sell this camera, its too much fun.
I sure wish one of my friends would buy a Nikon P900, so I could try it. These're tough choices for folks on limited budgets, but I am sold on compact super-zooms and bridge cameras for wildlife/nature photography (including insect & flower macros as well as distant birds). 'Zooming-with-your-feet' only gets you so close, if you're determined not to disturb nesting /resting shore birds. Codesoft Receipt Printer Driver.